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Minutes of the 244th Meeting of the University Council held on 16 July 1997.

                                 Dr S C Miller                                      
            Mr. H. Barber                                                        
            Mr. J.B.C. Blood                   Professor J.R. Hough              
            Mr. R.H. Boissier (ab)             Professor D.J. Hourston (ab)      
            Dr. W.R. Bowman (ab)               Professor M. Hutchinson           
            Professor L.M. Cantor              Mr. M. Jackson                    
            Professor S.J. Cox                 Professor R. McCaffer             
            Dr. J.A.W. Deboo                   Professor J.N. Miller             
            Mr. S. Dorrell (ab)                Professor I.C. Morison            
            Dr. A.M. Duncan                    Mr. D'A.T.N. Payne (ab)           
            Mr. D. Eacott                      Dr. A.C. Pugh                     
            Dr. D.W. Edwards                   Professor P.H. Roberts            
            Professor M. Evans                 Sir Denis Rooke                   
            Dr. A.N. Fairbairn                 Professor M. Shaw (ab)            
            Professor J.P. Feather             Mr. M. Shuker                     
            Mr. G.P. Fothergill (ab)           Mrs. C. Stephens                  
            Sir Frank Gibb(ab)                 Mrs. J.A.M. Strong                
            Dr. M. Gilbert (ab)                Mr. A. Thacker (ab)               
            Mr. S.J. Gorton                    Mr. E. Waite                      
            Dr. J.K. Green                     Professor D.J. Wallace            
            Mr. P.W. Harrisson                 Professor C. Williams (ab)        
            Miss J.E.L. Harvatt (ab)           Mr. C.S. Woodruff                 
            Dr. T. Higgins                     Mrs. H.M. Woodward (ab)           
            By invitation:  Professor J.V. Dawkins                                  
                            Professor H. Thomason (ab)                              
                            Ms J. Willmott                                          
            In attendance:  Mr. R.A.Bowyer                                          
                            Dr. J.E.M. Elliott                                      
                            Dr. D.E. Fletcher                                       
                            Ms. E.A. Howarth                                        
                            Mr. N.A. McHard                                         
                            Mr. H.M. Pearson                                        

Apologies for absence were received from Mr. Boissier, Dr. Bowman, Mr. Fothergill, Dr. Gilbert, Miss Harvatt, Professor Hourston, Mr Payne, Professor Shaw and Professor Williams.

Ms Willmott was welcomed to the meeting as the LSU President-elect.

97/30 Minutes

It was RESOLVED to confirm the Minutes of the 242nd Meeting of the Council held on 21 March 1997 [COUN 97:M1].

97/31 Matters Arising

.1 Minute 97/9 - Council Membership [COUN97-P17]

Council noted that it would be invited to consider the Special Resolution for changes to Statute XIII at its next Ordinary meeting on 17 December 1997.

97/32 Vice-Chancellor's Business

The Chair of Council complimented the University on the success of the recent graduation ceremonies. The Vice-Chancellor informed Council that the number of graduating students had increased by about 60% over the last few years but there had been no increase in the number of administrative staff responsible for organising the ceremonies. Council expressed particular credit to Mrs K Alexander and other Academic Registry staff for the successful arrangements.
In a recent HEFCE Teaching Quality Assessment involving jointly the Departments of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering and Transport Studies and Manufacturing Engineering a score of 23/24 had been achieved. The Departments and all those involved in the Assessment were to be congratulated.
A recent competition had been held by the EPSRC to establish Faraday Centres involving institutions in collaboration with small and medium enterprises. The University was to be involved in two of the four Centres awarded, one as the lead institution with the other headed by the National Physical Laboratory. An official announcement was awaited and until then the information remained confidential to members of Council.
For the second year running the University's Careers Service had been identified in the annual PIP survey of employers as the most efficient, effective and co-operative Careers Service, and was to be congratulated on this achievement.
Progress had been made in allocating £4M of Development Funds for academic developments. About £2M of the £2.5M research fund had been allocated to top priority bids from Faculties, and about £860K of the £1M teaching fund had been allocated to projects in Computer Aided Assessment and Computer Aided Learning involving all Faculties, with some set aside for developments at Peterborough. The scheme to allocate £0.5M for premature retirements had been initiated and respondents were coming forward.
The Dearing Report would be released on 23 July 1997. The Vice-Chancellor would be attending the CVCP meeting organised for the launch day and a seminar on the subsequent day to discuss the Report. The NUS Annual Conference would be held at the University from 21-24 July which would be timely.
It was anticipated that an announcement on the British Academy of Sport would be forthcoming within the next month. The Consortium bid involving the University was considered to be in a strong position.
There had been a successful launch to the Alumni Appeal from a platform of leadership donations of the order of £100K. The Vice-Chancellor expressed his gratitude to the former Guild for its significant donation.
The Vice-Chancellor congratulated the Students' Union on the achievement of the Investors in People award, one of the first Students' Unions to achieve this. The Students' Union was also to be congratulated on reaching a total to date of £219K for Rag, not matched by any other institution, and also winning both the male and female UK Student Sporting Championships, achieving approximately the same number of points as the next two universities combined.

97/33 Loughborough College of Art and Design [COUN97-P18]

Council received a Memorandum of Agreement to merge Loughborough College of Art and Design with Loughborough University which had been approved unanimously by the Governors of LCAD at their meeting on 25 June 1997. Council was informed that considerable work had been undertaken by the Joint Steering Committee and the Merger Working and Liaison Groups in producing the Memorandum of Agreement and in particular the part-time Project Manager was to be congratulated on his contribution.
Council was informed that whilst critical issues had arisen in the deliberations of the Human Resources Group, in particular involving the assimilation of administrative roles within the University, no problems remained and the Governors and staff of LCAD viewed the merger with much enthusiasm. The proposal was for a merger of the two institutions on 1 August 1998, with LCAD becoming Loughborough University School of Art and Design within the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. Full assimilation would be achieved by 1 August 2001. There would be significant transitional costs incurred by the merger, for which a bid for funding had been made to HEFCE. Informal feedback indicated that such support would be forthcoming.
Dr Fairbairn, the Chair of LCAD's Governing Body, informed Council of his and other members of the Governing Body's support for the merger. LCAD was at the forefront of Art and Design education but there had been concerns whether, with the financial uncertainties in Further and Higher Education, as a single subject institution it could continue independently in the long run. This was borne out by the projected Business plans for LCAD/LUSAD. Merger with the University would provide a wider range of opportunities for research excellence and income generation. In addition the merger discussions had provided the incentive to rationalise the ownership of buildings between LCAD and Loughborough College. Merger with LCAD would help to redress the gender imbalance of the University.
Members welcomed the proposed continuing of Further Education by LUSAD and noted that a review of Further Education would take place in Autumn 1997, post-Dearing. The University was urged to be sensitive to the special culture of Art and Design Schools and the need to ensure that LCAD's culture was not damaged. The merger should enrich both LCAD and the University. It was understood that cultural assimilation would take time. The University was already working closely with LCAD however, and such projects as the Gallery of the Future demonstrated an already successful involvement. Council was reminded that Loughborough Students' Union already incorporated LCAD and no difficulties were expected in terms of merging student cultures.
In terms of the financial position, the financial review from Deloitte and Touche reported to Council on 16 December 1996 had shown the financial health of Loughborough University and LCAD to be broadly comparable. Both would be faced with the same financial pressures, but as part of the University LCAD's opportunities to overcome such pressures would be greater.
It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve a Memorandum of Agreement to merge Loughborough College of Art and Design with Loughborough University with effect from 1 August 1998. Council expressed thanks to the University's negotiating team for its achievements.

97/34 Strategic Plan and HEFCE Financial Forecasts [COUN97-P19, P20, P21]

.1 University Strategic Plan for 1997/98 to 2000/01

Council received the draft Strategic Plan for 1997/98 to 2000/01, which had been produced following feedback on an initial contextual statement from Faculties and Departments and consideration of a subsequent draft plan by Deans, lay Council Chairs, Resources and Planning Committee and Senate. Council was reminded that such a major update of the Strategic Plan was undertaken biennially. The Vice-Chancellor reported that attempts had been made in the draft Plan to encompass the major issues likely to emerge from the Dearing Review. The Plan did not represent a major change in direction, but did recognise the urgency of the need for change and specific targets had been identified. The University's well-being would be dependent on increasing its portfolio of additional income.
Clarification was requested on the intention to ensure that students were not subject to formal assessments in excess of national norms (para. 3.4). Council was informed that the University's formal assessment of students appeared to be more extensive than at many other institutions and the aim was to achieve an appropriate level of assessment for students whilst not overburdening staff beyond what was necessary.
A member informed Council that he felt the Strategic Plan to be a somewhat inward-looking document, more operational and tactical than strategic, and not fully addressing the following definitions of a successful organisation: Unambiguous long-term goals; thoughtful insight of the competitive environment; intimate self-knowledge of internal capabilities; implementation through the commitment of the whole organisation. The Vice-Chancellor reminded Council that the University was different in a number of respects from a commercial company, its internal capabilities were spread across Faculties, and it was therefore difficult to produce a simplistic vision statement. It was noted that the Mission Statement clearly defined the University's commitment to work for the benefit of society and with the community, and suggested that this outward view might be made more explicit with specific targets.
The Chair informed Council that he had considered the Strategic Plan to be significantly advanced on previous Plans, fulfilling many of the points raised above for a successful organisation. It was AGREED that the Vice-Chancellor would make minor revisions to the Overview of the Plan to accommodate the above points, and that these points would be fully taken on board when the next Strategic Plan was produced.
On the recommendation of Senate and the Resources and Planning Committee, it was RESOLVED to approve the Strategic Plan for 1997/98 to 2000/01, subject to the above revision, for onward transmission to HEFCE.

.2 Operational Plan 1997-98
It was RESOLVED to approve the University's Operational Plan for 1997-98, which represented the first stage of implementation of the four-year Strategic Plan. It was noted that this would be backed by individual Faculty Operational Plans.

.3 HEFCE Financial Forecasts to 2000/01

Council considered the HEFCE Financial Forecasts to 2000/01, and was informed that this was a document intended to signal to HEFCE the deteriorating financial position in Higher Education. It did not reflect the corrective action which the University was undertaking. It was noted that the figures were exclusive of LCAD at the specific request of HEFCE. It was RESOLVED to approve the HEFCE Financial Forecasts to 2000/01 for onwards transmission to HEFCE.

97/35 Capital Programme [COUN97-P22, P23]

Council received a progress report on the capital programme. In response to a query concerning the projected exceeding of HEFCE's 4% threshold for Annualised Servicing Costs, Council was informed that the 4% limit represented a threshold above which HEFCE approval was required and would be sought.

.2 Engineering Building

Council noted decisions made by the Resources and Planning Committee in respect of the Engineering Building, and received a tabled paper presenting the latest position. It was reported that the negotiations for leasing space in the main building of the British Gas Research and Technology Centre had in the event proved unsuccessful. A straightforward add-on of the shortfall of 1500 m2 to the proposals for building modifications on the campus was not feasible, as the proposed departmental movements under the British Gas scheme would be inappropriate for an on-site scheme. It was therefore necessary to explore other options, but a final decision by Council at its December 1997 meeting was essential if the completion date of mid-1999 was to be achieved.
It was RESOLVED that the Chair of Council and the Vice-Chancellor as Chair of Resources and Planning Committee be given the joint authority to approve expenditure necessary to take the project forward so that Council could make a final decision at its December meeting.

97/36 Co-opted Membership of Council [COUN97-P24]

It was RESOLVED to approve a report of the Nominating Committee. It was noted that the Nominating Committee would bring forward a recommendation to Council at a later meeting concerning the outstanding co-opted vacancy.

97/37 School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering [COUN97-P25]

On the recommendation of Senate, it was RESOLVED to approve a recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering for the establishment of a School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.

97/38 Staff Review Committee [COUN97-P26]

On the recommendation of Senate, it was RESOLVED to approve proposals from Staff Review Committee regarding promotions to Senior Lectureships.

97/39 Review of Finance-related Committees [COUN97-P27]

It was RESOLVED to approve recommendations relating to finance-related Committees. It was noted that para. 8(iii) of the proposals should relate to the Academic and Related Staff Negotiating Sub-Committee, the Clerical and Manual Staff Consultative Committee and the Technical Staff Negotiating Sub-Committee.

97/40 Audit Committee [COUN97-P28]

It was RESOLVED to approve the following recommendations referred by the Audit Committee at its 25th meeting on 17 June 1997:

(a) Appointment of Internal Auditors

(b) Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy

97/41 Finance Committee [COUN97-P29]

It was RESOLVED to approve the following recommendation referred by the Finance Committee at its 97th meeting on 19 June 1997:

Travelling and Subsistence Allowances

97/42 Residential and Catering Services Committee [COUN97-P30]

It was RESOLVED to approve the following recommendation referred by the Residential and Catering Services Committee at its Twelfth meeting on 3 June 1997:

Hall Deposits for First-year Students

97/43 Resources and Planning Committee [COUN97-P31]

It was RESOLVED to approve the following recommendations referred by the Resources and Planning Committee at its 99th meeting on 6 June 1997:
(a) Overseas Tuition Fees 1998/99

(b) Student Indebtedness

It was RESOLVED to ratify Chair's action in approving, on behalf of Council:
(a) Tuition Fees

(b) Re-examination Fees

97/44 Senate [COUN97-P32]

It was RESOLVED to approve the following recommendations referred by Senate at its 314th meeting on 27 June 1997:

(a) IGDS MSc in Surface Design and Engineering, new programme from 1997/98

(b) MSc in Management (self-financing), new programme from 1997/98

(c) Msc in Waste and Environmental Risk Management (self-financing), new programme from 1997/98 (revision and retitling of Hazardous Waste Management)

(d) BSc/MChem in Chemistry with Environmental Science, new programme from 1998/99

(e) BSc/MChem in Chemistry with a European Language, new programme from 1998/99

(f) BSc/MChem in Chemistry with Information Studies, new programme from 1998/99

(g) BSc/MChem in Chemistry with Forensic Analysis, new programme from 1998/99

(h) BSc in Quantitative Economics, discontinuation from September 1997 entry

(i) MSc in Construction Management (part-time in conjunction with the University of Wolverhampton), discontinuation from September 1997

(j) Certificate and Diploma Programmes in Co-operative Studies (validated programmes), discontinuation from September 1997 entry

(k) MBA in Business Development (validated programme), discontinuation from September 1997 entry

(l) Students' Union Constitution: Amendments

(m) Jonathan Young Memorial Prize: Establishment

(n) Alan Booth Memorial Prize: Establishment

97/45 Equal Opportunities Committee [COUN97-P33]

Council received the Annual Report of the Equal Opportunities Committee for 1996/97 and RESOLVED to approve the following recommendations referred by the Committee:

(a) Revised Equal Opportunities Action Plan

(b) Policy and Guidelines for Dealing with Computer Pornography

97/46 Membership of Council and Appointments to Committee Chairs and Standing Committees  [COUN97-P34]

Council noted the membership of Council for 1997-98 as thus far determined.
It was RESOLVED to appoint the Chairs of certain Committees for 1997-98.
It was RESOLVED to authorise the Chair to take action on behalf of Council to make appointments to vacancies on Council Committees, Joint Committees with Senate and other bodies to which Council appoints.

97/47 Nominating Committee [COUN97-P35]

It was RESOLVED to approve the future membership, terms of reference and quorum for the Nominating Committee.

97/48 Senior Staff Salaries Committee [COUN97-P36]

It was RESOLVED to approve a quorum for the Senior Staff Salaries Committee.

97/49 Common Seal [COUN97-P37]

It was RESOLVED to ratify the action of the Registrar in affixing the University Seal to the documents listed.

97/50 Peterborough [COUN97-P38]

Council received a progress report.

97/51 Operational Plan 1996-97 [COUN97-P39]

Council noted a summary of action taken on the Operational Plan for 1996-97.

97/52 Careers Service Advisory Board [COUN97-P40]

Council received the Annual Report of the Careers Service Advisory Board for 1995-96.

97/53 Loughborough Students' Union Annual Report [COUN97-P41]

Council received the Annual Report of Loughborough Students' Union for 1996.

97/54 Timothy John Godfrey Memorial Fund [COUN97-P42]

Council received the report of the Timothy John Godfrey Memorial Fund Advisory Committee for 1995-96.

97/55 External Auditors

Council noted that Godkin & Co. had resigned as the University's auditors with effect from 1 April 1997 following the appointment of Deloitte Touche.

97/56 Reports of Committees [COUN97-P43]

Council received reports of the following committees:

(i) Audit Committee of 17 June 1997

[A copy of the Annual Internal Audit Report 1996/97 was available from the Secretary on request.]

(ii) Finance Committee of 19 June 1997

(iii) Health, Safety and Environmental Committee of 11 June 1997

(iv) Residential and Catering Services Committee of 3 June 1997

[Further to Minute 97/13 of Council's 242nd meeting on 21 March 1997, a table of Comparative Hall Fees was appended.]

(v) Information Services Committee of 30 May 1997

(vi) Research Committee of 19 March 1997 and 16 May 1997

(vii) Resources and Planning Committee of 6 June 1997

(viii) Student Services Committee of 17 June 1997

(ix) Senate of 27 June 1997

In regard to the summary budget for 1997/98 contained within the Resources and Planning Committee report, it was reported in response to a query that the subsidy to the Hall account would be phased out by the end of the planning review period, in line with the HEFCE requirement. This would be achieved by reducing working costs and increasing alternative income, but only as a last resort by increasing Hall Fees to students beyond normal inflation levels.

97/57 Dates of Meetings in 1997-98

Council noted the dates proposed for meetings of Council in 1997-98 as follows:

The starred meeting would take place only if notice was given by a date two weeks prior to the date scheduled for the meeting.

97/58 Valedictory

The Chair thanked retiring member for their services to Council over the years and informed Council that the University would be fortunate in retaining the involvement of Dr Deboo and Mr Woodruff in other University activities. He thanked the student representatives for their participation, which provided a good model for the incoming representatives.
On behalf of Council, the Chair expressed his gratitude and good wishes for the future to Professor Miller, whose term of office as Senior Pro-Vice-Chancellor was ending, for his outstanding services over an extended period, and to Mr McHard, the Academic Secretary, who was moving to the University of Kent at Canterbury as Secretary and Registrar.

97/59 Date of Next Meeting

The meeting was intended for the discussion of strategic issues and routine business would not be transacted.

Next Ordinary Meeting:


Author - Dr J E M Elliott

Date - July 1997

Copyright (c) Loughborough University. All rights reserved.